Frequently Asked Questions

Click the headings below to view responses to frequently asked questions.

What are the next steps after the public meeting?

Using the feedback received from the public, the study team will work to refine the alternatives and complete the evaluation to make a final recommendation. The final recommended improvements will be documented in the South Virginia Street Safety Management Plan, which is anticipated to be published in the Summer of 2024.

How and when will improvements be implemented?

How and when improvements are implemented is mostly dependent on when funding is available. As part of the Safety Management Plan, recommended improvements will be evaluated and prioritized based on need and benefit. NDOT, in partnership with the RTC Washoe and the City of Reno, will work to find funding to implement the recommended improvements.

Although it is possible that the improvements could be constructed all at once as part of a large-scale corridor reconstruction project, it is more likely that improvements will be implemented over time in a piece-meal fashion as funding becomes available. At this time, it is not known when funding will become available for the identified improvements.

Why are medians being considered?

Medians are proven to reduce certain types of crashes and their severity. One of the most common causes of crashes on South Virginia Street is drivers making left turns. Installing medians will reduce these crashes. Additionally, crash severity increases at higher speeds. Medians have been shown to help reduce vehicle speeding and, as a result, the severity of crashes.

How do medians reduce crashes?

In access management, the potential for crashes typically is evaluated through “conflict points.” A conflict point is simply any location where the path of two vehicles cross resulting in a potential for a crash. In general, reducing the number of conflict points along a roadway increases safety. The figures below show examples of different intersection configurations and how medians can be used to reduce conflict points and increase safety. Combinations of all these intersection configurations are being considered for South Virginia Street.

Where will medians and openings in the medians be located?

Medians and openings in the medians are being developed and evaluated based on a variety of considerations. First and foremost, medians are being considered based on NDOT’s Access Management System and Standards. In addition to this guidance, other factors being considered include whether a property has alternative access from another facility other than South Virginia Street and if a median would result in people having to travel substantial distance out of direction.

Why are different crossing treatments being considered at different locations?

The type of pedestrian crossing provided at each crossing location is determined by a combination of factors, including crossing volumes and roadway characteristics, such as the speed limit and roadway width. The different recommendations being considered by this study use these factors, and existing engineering guidance documents, to make recommendations on the most appropriate type of crossing for each location.

What improvements are being proposed to reduce vehicle speeding?

All the proposed alternatives provide treatments that will help reduce vehicle speeding. These include raised medians, additional traffic signals and mid-block crossings, and narrowing and/or reducing the number and width of travel lanes. These types of improvements have been shown to calm traffic and reduce vehicle speeding.

Why are bus only lanes being considered?

Although existing transit services within the South Virginia Street study corridor are limited today, RTC Washoe is conducting studies examining the potential of extending the RTC RAPID Virginia Line further south to Mt. Rose Highway in the future. As part of this safety management plan (SMP) study, NDOT is coordinating with RTC Washoe to make sure that the recommendations from the SMP align with potential future transit enhancements along the corridor.

How do side-running bus lanes work?

Side-running bus lanes are located on the outside most lanes of a road (nearest to the curb) and are separated/distinguished from regular vehicle lanes with painted marking. The bus lane can be used by buses and by vehicles making a right turn at an upcoming driveway or intersection. An example of this type of bus lane is present along South Virginia Street between Holcomb Avenue/Mt. Rose Street and E. Regency Way near Mid-Town Reno.

How do center-running bus lanes work?

Center-running bus lanes are located in the middle of the roadway and are distinguished/separated from regular vehicle travel lanes using raised medians. These lanes are reserved only for buses. Vehicles needing to cross the center bus lanes (such as to make a left turn) usually must go to an intersection with a traffic signal. These traffic signals are specially designed to separate turning traffic from the bus movements.

Bus stops/stations are located in the middle of the roadway adjacent to the center bus lanes. People access these bus stations by crossing to the middle of the road. Enhanced crossings such as traffic signals, pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs), and/or rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) are typically provided to ensure people can cross the road safely.

An example of this type of bus lane is present along Grand Central Parkway between Iron Horse Court and South City Parkway near downtown Las Vegas.

What is the difference between NDOT’s Safety Management Plan (SMP) and RTC Washoe’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study?

As the local transit operator and regional transportation planning agency, RTC Washoe and the South Virginia Street Transit Oriented Development (SVTOD) Study are primarily focused on future transit service enhancements to support expected growth and land use changes along the corridor, in collaboration with local land planning agencies. The NDOT SMP is primarily focused on improving safety for all road users within the South Virginia Street right of way. Although the two studies each have a different focus, there are many overlapping goals which benefit each other. Therefore, NDOT and RTC Washoe are collaborating on both studies to better serve all roadway users.

Are the NDOT SMP and RTC Washoe TOD studies covering the same area?

Not entirely. While the two studies cover much of the same area, the RTC Washoe South Virginia Street Transit Oriented Development (SVTOD) Study area is the proposed alignment for the Virginia Line extension running along South Virginia Street from the Meadowood Mall Transfer Station to the Summit Mall and includes portions of Damonte Ranch Parkway and Mt. Rose Highway. This also includes the industry standard ½ mile walking distance from the proposed transit line. The NDOT Safety Management Plan (SMP) covers a sub-area of the SVTOD study area along South Virginia Street between E. Patriot Boulevard and Mt. Rose Highway.